Feedback and Questions

I’d love to hear from you!

Please send any and all feedback or questions via GitHub Issues (you’ll need a GitHub account) or via email at jzohrab [at] gmail [dot] com.

For feedback, let me know:

  • Did any idea really work for you?

  • Did any idea really not work for you? Some of the material requires time to master; however, if you’ve given something an honest effort to no avail, then the material likely needs clarification.

  • Do you have any effective practice techniques that should be included? I’m not really interested in picking exercises or drills, as those are already readily available, and this book is more about how to practice – but if there’s something I must include, well …

  • Did I make a mistake? I’ve tried to write with consistent information and tone, with few assumptions of your current situation, but errors can creep in. Let me know if you spot anything.

I currently don’t have a schedule in mind for future revisions of this work, but I hope for this to be a long-lived, ongoing project.
